The Town of Fort Fairfield has been a proactive community when it comes to managing and mitigating the risks possed by flooding.
Spring 2015 Flooding North Caribou Road
Some of the steps taken by the town include creating a warning system, curating a library of floodplain information, establishing an annual outreach meeting with emergency management, transportation, media and other stakeholders as well as establishing protocols for flood events.
Fort Fairfield has been recognized for these efforts by being designated as a Storm Ready Community by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration since 2001 and as a Federal Emergency Management Agency Project Impact Community since 2000.
The following are links to local and national flood prevention information:
Notice of Available Local Flood Prevention Services
Flood Prevention Information Available at Fort Fairfield Public Library
National Floodplain Insurance Program Information:
National Community Rating System Resource Information:
Some of the steps taken by the town include creating a warning system, curating a library of floodplain information, establishing an annual outreach meeting with emergency management, transportation, media and other stakeholders as well as establishing protocols for flood events.
Fort Fairfield has been recognized for these efforts by being designated as a Storm Ready Community by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration since 2001 and as a Federal Emergency Management Agency Project Impact Community since 2000.
The following are links to local and national flood prevention information:
Notice of Available Local Flood Prevention Services
Flood Prevention Information Available at Fort Fairfield Public Library
National Floodplain Insurance Program Information:
National Community Rating System Resource Information: